Welcome to Learning Bridge ASP
Text or call us at (770) 693-8386
Text or call us at (770) 693-8386
Our Summer Camp at Abney Elementary is full for certain grade levels, but you can still register to join the waitlist in case spots become available.
It's a fun-filled, eight week summer program consisting of crafts, karaoke, water play, fitness activities, STEM, special events, video games and a whole lot more!
We will host our summer camp at Panter Elementary and Abney Elementary.
Rates: Registration Fee - $40 per child**
Tuition - $135 per child
**Initial Registration payment will be $100 to secure your spot since spots are limited. Part of the registration payment will go towards your first weeks tuition.
Dates: May 27th - July 18th (No Camp on July 4th)
*You can use your current login information and click "New Contract" to sign up for Summer Camp.*
*Spots are limited based on group and grade level*
Registration for the 24-25 school year has opened! Please click this link below to register your child online. Paper applications are still accepted. Please take the original copy to your child's school between the hours of 3pm-6pm.
If your account shows pending, it means you are on the waiting list and we
Some schools are currently full so please visit our School Contacts page and give us a call to see if your child's grade has any openings!
Welcome to The Learning Bridge After school program. Our goal is to provide a safe and fun environment for your child. We are now accepting registrations for the 2023-2024 school year. You may access the registration forms by clicking on the registration tab. Please completely fill out the forms. We look forward to getting to know your child!
We operate at all 19 elementary schools in Paulding County. We offer a wide range of activities arts and crafts, homework assistance, science projects, table games, STEM projects, individual and team play on the playground and in the gym, dramatic play and social opportunities all on the school site.
Full Time/Weekly Tuition - $40 per child
*Part Time - $25 per child
Registration Fee: $40 per child
No drop-in or short term services available.
We operate the after school program at all 19 Paulding County Elementary Schools. Our goal is to provide a fun, safe, educational environment for all children who need consistent care in the afternoons.
Every child must have a completely filled out enrollment form on-site before starting. Please read our parent handbook below.
The information in this handbook will help you understand the policies practiced during the day-to-day operations of this after-school program. Learning Bridge is located on-site in Paulding County elementary schools.
The Learning Bridge accepts all children into the program regardless of national origin, race, and creed.
At Learning Bridge we understand the importance of having a safe, fun way to connect with friends, enjoy a variety of activities including a structured homework time, extra learning activities, organized physical activities and expressions in art.
It is the mission of the Learning Bridge to:
If you have any questions please contact us:
2356 Villa Rica Hwy
Dallas, GA 30157
Fax: 770-693-8946
All of our sites are state licensed and monitored by state consultants. An experienced site director is designated at each school and all of our employees are required to have a clear background check. All staff is required to have 10 hours state-certified training every year. C.P.R. and First Aid certification is also required.
The Learning Bridge will follow the Paulding County School System calendar. The Learning Bridge will only be open when school is in session. Please refer to the school calendar for days that Learning Bridge will not be operating.
Services provided:
All regular days of Student Calendar (dismissal to 6:00 p.m.)
(Including Early Release Days)
Late fees of one dollar ($1) per minute per child will be charged after 6:00 PM by the official school clock. At 6:00 PM, the Site Director will first call both parents/guardians listed. He or she will continue to call all adults authorized to pick up the child until someone is reached who can immediately pick up the child. The child will be released to the first adult who arrives at the school. Paulding County requires that we vacate the school building by 6:00 PM. Unless an acceptable arrangement has been made with the Site Director. Please have a local friend or relative on your list who can help you in emergency situations. Excessive late pick-ups may result in dismissal.
Parents must designate the Full Time or Part Time program. In order to appropriately staff, these days cannot be changed on a day-to-day or a weekly basis.
Part-Time Program (1-3 days) - Part-time may not be available at your child's school. Each school has a certain number of part-time spots. You are able to attend less than 4-5 days but will be charged the full-time/weekly rate.
If a change in your work schedule occurs and the program times need to change, please contact the Director as soon as possible or no later than the Friday before the schedule changes.
Registration: A registration fee has to be paid before you can start. You may be charged the Registration fee and first two weeks tuition in order to start in the program.
All students must be enrolled in one of the elementary school sites that the Learning Bridge services. The Learning Bridge accepts students from Kindergarten to 5th grade (ages 5-12).
All parents must fill out a complete enrollment packet for each child annually. The parent is responsible for updating packet information during the school year if needed. Learning Bridge does not provide a 1:1 student service. No child will be allowed to enter or leave the premises without being escorted by an authorized adult. It is the policy of the Learning Bridge to refuse any person to pick up your child if we suspect that person is driving impaired, or we will contact the Sheriff’s Department. If your child is participating in an extra-curricular activity at the school (Beach Club, chorus, tutoring, etc.), the parent will fill out a permission form or amend the authorized pick up list allowing the activity leader to sign your child out and back into the Learning Bridge Program (They will have a Learning Bridge snack before they leave). Learning Bridge employees will take attendance on a daily basis. Parents or authorized persons will sign the child out every day providing time of pick-up and initials. Any person picking up a child who is unfamiliar to Learning Bridge staff will be required to show a valid picture I.D. If your child is on restricted pickup involving custody issues you must provide the program with legal documentation.
Failure to disclose any important information on the registration form that may impact the safety and well-being of your child or others may result in dismissal from the program.
A written notice of withdrawal must be emailed, faxed or mailed to Learning Bridge two weeks prior to withdrawing to avoid any additional fees. Please indicate your reason for withdrawal on this notice. Students will be withdrawn automatically after two weeks of non-payment. Parents will be responsible for the two weeks of tuition if advance notice is not given.
Learning Bridge employees, who have cause or reason to believe that a child is being abused, deprived or neglected, are mandated to report immediately to the Director. Director will notify Learning Bridge Administration, who then will take appropriate action in accordance with Georgia Law.
If your child has severe food allergies, please alert the staff prior to sending your child to the after school program. Learning Bridge will make every reasonable effort to provide an alternative snack and remove your child from any contact with the food. No outside snacks will be allowed unless there is medical condition or doctors note.
The Learning Bridge staff will not dispense any medication; however, please inform the staff of any medical situation that may require the use of emergency medication such as an Epi-pen, inhalant or insulin. Please contact Director for forms and policies.
The Learning Bridge does not offer transportation. If a medical emergency requires transportation, emergency medical services will be notified and the student and an employee of The Learning Bridge will be transported to Wellstar/ Paulding. All attempts will be made to notify parents and the Director. No Learning Bridge employee will deter a child from receiving emergency medical care. In non-emergency situations, basic first aid will be given and an accident report will be filled out by staff. A child will not be accepted or allowed to remain at the Learning Bridge program if he/she has a fever of 101 degrees or higher or other contagious symptoms such as rash, diarrhea, vomiting, sore throat, etc. A parent will be notified to pick up child immediately. Child must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to the program. The Learning Bridge reserves the right to request a doctor’s note stating the child can return. If anyone on site is found to have a contagious communicable disease parents will receive written notice.
It is the mission of the Learning Bridge to provide your child with a fun and safe after school environment. In doing so, each school will follow the policies set forth by the Paulding County School System for lockdown, bomb threats, and other emergency situations. The Learning Bridge staff will conduct monthly fire drills, twice yearly severe weather drills and at least one lock down drill to ensure the safety of your child. In the event of severe weather, we will operate according to Paulding County School safety policies. Each school has a set of guidelines for emergency situations posted in our after school area. Please review these rules. To protect the health of all students, Learning Bridge reserves the right to dismiss students who have excessive bathroom accidents or who willfully expose other children to their bodily fluids. If a student elopes/runs from their group it will result in an automatic write-up. Eloping could warrant a suspension or dismissal from the program. Any physical harm to another student or staff member is not tolerated. Physical harm will result in a write-up and parents will be called immediately to come pick up. It is to the discretion of the Learning Bridge Admin and Director for any suspension or dismissal for physical harm.
If school closes before the Learning Bridge begins, you must have alternative pick-up arrangements on file with your child’s school. If we need to close after our program has begun, for example due to hazardous road conditions, you will be contacted and asked to pick up your child as soon as possible. Please add several friends/neighbors to your emergency contact list for inclement weather or other emergencies, which could prohibit you from being available in a timely manner. In the event of severe weather, Learning Bridge staff will be focused on the safety of the children and may not be available to accept parent phone calls.
Learning Bridge will not provide transportation for your child. Any emergency transport will be provided by an ambulance or by the police. In the event of a severe injury or life-threatening situation I understand the after-school personnel have my permission to obtain emergency medical care for my child.
Only authorized adults with a valid driver’s license will be allowed to pick up your child. Immediate family members age 16 and older; any person outside of family will need to be 18 years of age or older with a valid driver’s license. Absolutely no ride share/taxi service will be allowed to pick your child up. No exceptions.
Your child is not allowed to leave the building without being escorted by a parent, authorized adult or staff member. Only people listed on the registration
form will be allowed to pick up your child and picture identification will be
required. Your child must be signed out by you or your authorized adult
every day.
No off site field trips will be planned so no transportation permission slips will be required.
Disciplinary procedures are designed to maintain a safe and secure environment for all children. Rules are enforced at the discretion of the Learning Bridge Program Administrator.
All parents/authorized adults will be also held to the Learning Bridge Code of Conduct. A child may be dismissed from the program due to parental/adult misconduct.
Suspensions and Dismissals are at the discretion of the Learning Bridge Administrators.
If a student has been suspended from school for any reason, they will not be able to attend Learning Bridge ASP until the suspension is over.
Learning Bridge committed to providing every child with a safe and supportive after-school environment. In order to confirm our program would be beneficial to a child with special needs we will take the time to consider each child individually. A telephone meeting between parents and after-school administration, assessment forms for parents to complete and talks with other pertinent specialists before enrollment will help everyone make a well-informed decision based on the best interests of the child. Learning Bridge does not provide one-on-one care. Due to lack of available facilities/staff restrictions no diapering services can be provided. These policies are in accordance with ADA regulations for childcare centers.
All students must be able to use the restroom unassisted. Learning Bridge ASP does not assist in changing clothes, pull-ups, or diapers when an accident occurs. The parents or guardians will be called to come pick up immediately when an accident occurs. If multiple accidents occur, that student may be asked to be temporarily withdrawn until the student is able to go unassisted.